/sayraw {"text":"Want to reset the current minigame? ", "extra": [{"text":"Click here!", "clickEvent":{"action":"run_command", "value":"/scoreboard players set minigame_resetting 1"}}]}
"text": "Want to reset the current minigame? ",
"extra": [
"text": "Click here!",
"clickEvent": {
"action": "run_command",
"value": "/scoreboard players set minigame_resetting 1"
But what is it? Well, it's code to reset minigames (and their scores) built into the game. This will be a great help to map creators as a way to quickly change or stop minigames, which should allow for more efficient maps. Dinnerbone also tweeted, "There are other actions, like open a url. Screenshot links are clickable now, also."
Even though this is a very small change (and not very news-worthy) it is still a great improvement that will be coming in the next snapshot, and eventually, Minecraft 1.7.
Source: GitHub