Minecraft Capture The Flag Server Review

This article was written by reader FruitCakeCat63 as part of our Redstone Builders program. Enjoy!


I recently did a review of a server, and I thought I’d share it with the readers of Powered By Redstone. The server is called MinecraftCTF, or MCCTF for short, and the ip is mcctf.com, although you can connect directly to a certain map by using a1.mcctf.com, k5.mcctf.com, and so on. Before each match, there is a one minute waiting period for new players to join. During this waiting period you cannot choose a class or obtain any items, and you are invincible. In the server, there are different classes. When the game starts, you’ll be randomly assigned a team and teleported to your team’s starting position near your base. Type /help to see a list of classes, and type in the command for the class you choose. You can be: /archer, /assassin, /chemist, /dwarf,/heavy, /medic, /necro, /ninja, /pyro, /soldier, and /mage. Most of these class names explain themselves, but you can find info on them at minecraftpvp.net/ctf. Check out the video, play on the server, and you might even see me from time to time!