Warner Bros, a movie studio in Burbank California known for countless popular movies since 1923, may be working on a Minecraft-themed movie. Today Notch tweeted, "Someone is trying leak the fact that we're working with Warner Brothers on a potential Minecraft Movie. I wanted to be the leak!" Even though Notch would be joking, it would make sense that a Minecraft movie is in the works.
But a Minecraft movie wouldn't be the first block-buster (heh heh) made by Warner Bros. Currently in theaters is the smash-hit film The Lego Movie (pictured above), which I personally have seen and I love it. A sequel to The Lego Movie is already in production, and maybe a Minecraft movie too. Interestingly, there is already a documentary about Minecraft, titled Minecraft: The Story about Mojang by 2 Player Productions.
Earlier this month Notch killed a fan-made Minecraft movie called The Birth of Man, which was going to be funded through Kickstarter and released for free in the later half of 2014. When Notch told the creator Brandon Laatsch to cancel the movie, he said "We don't allow half a million kickstarters based on our ip without any deals in place." It could be possible that Warner Bros asked him to cancel the fan movie because of a future official Minecraft movie, or it could be both Mojang and Warner pushing back. And it looks like CaptainSparklez might be voicing a dirt block (kidding).
Source: Twitter