Minecraft Pocket Edition is a great game, all things considered. It's simple, fun, and easy to play with friends. Personally, I play it whenever I'm on-the-go and want to mess around with my creative worlds for a bit. It may not have all the glamour of Minecraft for the PC, but it serves the goal of every smartphone game - a fun time-waister. But it could certainly be better. So here is four things we want to see in Minecraft Pocket Edition.
Minecraft for the PC has a system of achievements ranging from punching a tree to defeating the Enderdragon. But where are these fun little accomplishments on Pocket Edition? Although there is a server plugin for MCPE that gives achievement functionality to the chat, it's rather limited and of course only on certain servers. Achievements on Pocket Edition could also sync with iOS Game Center and Google Play Games, for showing off to your friends.
Gamepad Support
Minecraft PE originally was exclusive to the Xperia Play, a Sony phone with a built-in gamepad. Unfortunately, the gamepad on the Xperia Play remains the only gamepad supported by Minecraft PE. iOS 7 added support for third-party controllers, and Android has had support for external gamepads (including the Xbox 360 controller, and with other apps the PS3 controller) for years. I personally would love to be able to play Pocket Edition with physical joysticks and buttons, and it's been proven to work on Minecraft for consoles.
Nether and The End
Although there are certainly technological walls to overcome to bring alternate dimensions to Pocket Edition, we are confident that one day they will be added to MCPE. Let's hope it's sooner rather than later!
Official Dedicated Server
If you want a Minecraft PE server, you have two options. One is to host your own server with the unofficial PocketMine server software (and set up port forwarding if you want to connect to it outside your local network), or pay a hosting company to do the same thing on their servers. PocketMine Server is in alpha, and has loads of bugs and glitches especially in survival mode. Mojang should release an official dedicated server jar, like they do for Minecraft PC, for Pocket Edition.
So there you have it, there's our top four things we want in Pocket Edition. Leave a comment of your list!