Minecraft featured in The Simpsons, watch the clip here

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The Simpsons, the longest-running animated television show in history, is known for it's introductions that parody on pop culture. Last night's episode, 'Luca$' (Season 15, Episode 17) was no different, this time containing a parody of Minecraft. The episode starts looking through blocky clouds to the name 'SimCraft', where The Simpsons would normally be. It then shows Homer and his family walking through a Minecraft-style version of their home town Springfield, finally coming home to Moe as a creeper.

Notch mentioned on Twitter, "The Simpsons did a Minecraft couch gag. I'm not sure how I feel about it. [...] I STILL feel a bit like it's just this small game I made at home. It's so weird to have all these things happen. <3"

We've uploaded the introduction below, since all the videos on YouTube were taken on a camera by someone with a very shaky hand. The video is on Vimeo, because YouTube flagged it a whopping 45 seconds after we tried to upload it. Way to go, YouTube!


  1. Cool! Are they making a game?

  2. Love the 'Cool, how ya doin?'

  3. Oh too bad for simpson lovers... i don't really like anyways cuz i've never watched it

  4. It's season 25 of The Simpsons not 15!

  5. This way to detailed to be minecraft.

  6. It's all downhill from here boys.

  7. I once accidentilly watched the simpsons when I was five... I had no idea what was going on

  8. Actually is great!!!!! I like both, minecraft and simpsons!!!!!

  9. it's awesome that they would do that

  10. make a little series for it

  11. There should be a map and/or resource pack on this.

  12. […] The pack will be available for $1.99 on Xbox 360 and Xbox One, and 4J Studios said to “stay tuned” for information about other platforms. And take a look below at Minecraft’s appearance on The Simpsons from last year. […]


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