The Simpsons, the longest-running animated television show in history, is known for it's introductions that parody on pop culture. Last night's episode, 'Luca$' (Season 15, Episode 17) was no different, this time containing a parody of Minecraft. The episode starts looking through blocky clouds to the name 'SimCraft', where The Simpsons would normally be. It then shows Homer and his family walking through a Minecraft-style version of their home town Springfield, finally coming home to Moe as a creeper.
Notch mentioned on Twitter, "The Simpsons did a Minecraft couch gag. I'm not sure how I feel about it. [...] I STILL feel a bit like it's just this small game I made at home. It's so weird to have all these things happen. <3"
We've uploaded the introduction below, since all the videos on YouTube were taken on a camera by someone with a very shaky hand. The video is on Vimeo, because YouTube flagged it a whopping 45 seconds after we tried to upload it. Way to go, YouTube!