Minecraft Pi Edition is last priority at Mojang, Daniel Frisk says

You might remember our coverage of Minecraft: Pi Edition a while back, a free port of Minecraft PE 0.5.0 to the $25 micro-computer Raspberry Pi. Pi Edition, much like the goal of the Raspberry Pi, was designed to inspire children (and adults too!) to learn how to program. Minecraft Pi: Edition remains the only version of Minecraft to have full modding support built-in, with the Pi community constantly making mods written in Python. A few days ago, Chief Architect at Mojang Daniel Frisk said on Twitter:
"[Minecraft Pi Edition] updates will be far apart, but we really want to do it. Looking for best time to do it..."

It makes sense that Pi Edition is a low priority at Mojang. Not only is it the least popular version of Minecraft, it is also free of charge (meaning they do not make a profit).  The game has had no updates since it's release over a year ago, being released as a free download in February of last year. See the source link for the original tweet.

Source: Twitter