Minecraft Pocket Edition will use OpenGL ES 2.0 in the future - but it won't raise requirements

Minecraft Pocket Edition, and almost every 3D game on mobile devices, uses a technology called OpenGL ES to render graphics. OpenGL ES is a 'special' version of OpenGL designed for embedded/mobile devices. Tommoso tweeted earlier:
"While the games goes through various stores I've started working on porting the game to OpenGL ES 2.0, so far it's been surprisingly smooth!"

But what exactly does that mean? Currently Minecraft PE uses OpenGL ES 1.1, an older version. If Mojang upgrades Minecraft PE from 1.1 to 2.0, what is the result for players? Put simply, not much.

500px-Opengl-logo.svgSwitching to OpenGL 2.0 would increase performance by a small, but noticable, amount. It would also allow for more PC-like shadows and less memory usage. The best part is that despite the scary word 'upgrade', it doesn't need anything existing Pocket Edition players don't have.

OpenGL ES 2.0 support was added in Android 2.0 (and additional support using OpenGL ES with Java-based applications in Android 2.2) and iOS 5.0 for Apple devices. Minecraft PE 0.9.0 already requires Android 4.0 or later and iOS 5.0 or later, so switching to OpenGL ES 2.0 would not raise the device requirements. It's a win for the Minecraft PE devs, and a win for players! See the source link below for the original tweet.

Source: Twitter