This article was written by reader Easton Baldwin as part of our Redstone Builders program, which allows anyone to submit articles to us to post. If you are interested, visit the About page for more information. Enjoy!
Editor's Note: Infinite worlds can still be enabled on older devices, but these seeds are still good for people who prefer old size worlds anyways (or have slow devices on infinite).
MCPE 0.9.2 just came out for iOS and now infinite worlds have been removed from older Apple devices, and seeds on infinite worlds aren't always the same on Old world sizes, so I made a list of seeds, for 0.8.1 size worlds, (it shows the biomes, lava, and if there are villages.)
- QOTD: jungle, Forest
- Apple99er: Jungle, Forest
- sand village: messa, savanna, dessert
- 1734483989: Messa
- 1402364920: Ice spike
- takos tuesday: Winter, Forest, savanna
- wacky wensday: jungle, savanna, dessert
- 0: Savann, dessert
- Braceface: Savanna, dessert
- Pufferfish: Savanna, Dessert, Swamp
- lord of the rings: Jungle
- lord of the wolves: Savanna, dessert, lava
- bucky barnes: messa, Savanna, dessert, normal
- Endless!: Savanna, Dessert
- It's a game!: Swamp, messa, and small Forest
- Free dental!: Savanna dessert
- Kiss the sky!: village!
- NexyPL: Messa, Jungle, swamp
Editor's Note: Infinite worlds can still be enabled on older devices, but these seeds are still good for people who prefer old size worlds anyways (or have slow devices on infinite).