FDA partners with SkyDoesMinecraft for anti-smoking campain

Very rarely do we see Minecraft crossing over into serious issues, but it's always to serve a great purpose. One great example is Block by Block, an initative by Mojang and the United Nations Human Settlements Programm to allow young people to help construct public areas using Minecraft in countries like Kenya and Nepal.

AdWeek reports that the Food and Drug Administration of the US (FDA) has reached out to Machinima to help create public safety announcements to teens about the dangers of smoking. Adam Dahlberg, more known as  SkyDoesMinecraft, will be in the videos himself. SkyDoesMinecraft is a large figure in the Minecraft community with 10 million subscribers on YouTube.

Adam said he will be participating because although he has never smoked, he explained he has family members that have and have affected his life. It's unknown if Minecraft will have any part in these PSAs - there is no mention of Mojang being involved. And this isn't the first time Adam has done something notable outside of video games - he has worked with the Make-A-Wish Foundation before as well. See the source link for the original article.

Source: AdWeek