Minecraft Forge will continue development, creator LexManos says

We wrote about how Bukkit tried to shut down itself after Mojang changed it's EULA, and Mojang assuming full ownership over the project and continuing it's development themselves. It's clear that Mojang is intent on finishing their Mod API and then revamping or shutting down Bukkit, but what about client-side mods?

The developer of Minecraft Forge (a library/mod loader that thousands of mods use), LexManos, announced that Minecraft Forge would continue to be developed for 1.8 and beyond. In a forum post jokingly titled "It's time to say..." (the name of the Bukkit post that announced it was shutting down before it was deleted), he wrote:

"In light of recent events over in the bukkit community, 1.8's pending release, and the EULA changes. It has come time to say, Forge WILL continue to be updated and developed.
I can understand everyone's feelings about the EULA changes, and the fact that 1.8 will be a colossal update, especially on the client side. It is no secret that a lot of us who are working on major projects for the community feel stressed, overworked, attacked, {insert any bad adjective/verb here}. That being said, unlike EvilSeph and TNT, I work on Forge as my sole source of income {the adsense on the forums, adfly, and a bit from Curse} I have made no secret of this. This means that I don't have the luxury of just being able to quit. Beyond that, I truly do enjoy what I do. I love to program and I love to tackle issues, digging my hands as deep into a project as I can."

He went on to say that Forge will undergo huge changes to adapt to Minecraft 1.8's new rendering system, as well as re-writing old code and general clean ups.  See the source link for the original forum post.

Source: Minecraft Forge Forums