Minecraft clone 'UCraft' for Wii U fails to reach funding goal

Minecraft is now on computers, phones, and every major console spanning two generations - with one exception. Nintendo's consoles, both their home and portable consoles (the 3DS and Wii U, respectively) have been left out of the Minecraft fun. While this may be due to a lack of interest from Mojang and/or Nintendo, it leaves Nintendo gamers without our favorite blocky game.

A startup video game studio, Nexis Games, aimed to fill the hole with UCraft. On the surface, UCraft looks like just another one of hundreds of Minecraft clones, but it was to feature special classes the player could choose as well as story quests.

The project was posted on Kickstarter a while ago with a goal of $20,000 funded, but it ended it's funding with only $1,283 funded in total. Kickstarter only funds the project if it reaches it's goal, meaning UCraft didn't raise any money towards development.


The author remains optimistic, saying on the Project Updates page, "Even though this Kickstarter was unsuccessful we would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to everyone who has supported the development of UCraft. Your support means a lot to us and to show our appreciation we will be sending EVERYONE who attempted to back us a free copy of UCraft on the platform of their choice."

The developer of UCraft, Nexis Games, appears to have no completed games in their catalog. While they claim to be licesensed developers for the Wii U, Xbox One, and PS4 they have yet to release any games on those platforms. Their website lists four games currently under development (not counting UCraft) with fake ESRB ratings, so it's hard to tell if UCraft will ever come to fruition.

Source: Kickstarter