Revisiting the Skin Finder

Almost as long as Powered by Redstone has existed, there has been the trusty 'Skin Finder' tool. The first version was released in 2011 shortly after this site first went live, as a way of downloading other people's skins. Then a 'v2' update came out with support for editing other people's skins, and then a third version in 2013 that made it look really cool.

A while ago, Mojang changed the way skins can be accessed, effectively breaking Skin Finder. I've been meaning to update it, but I keep putting it off. Now I want to completely re-write it to not only support Mojang's new skin system, but make it actually useful.

Here's a few features I'm planning to add:

  • Full support for viewing all skins

  • Works on all size screens

  • Will be free and open-source under GPLv3 license (this means anyone can look at/help with the code)

  • Sharing skins on social media (for example, you can share a skin you like to Twitter for others to see)

  • Saving skins to your computer, Dropbox, or Google Drive

I'm still working out if some features I want to implement are possible, so those are not listed above. But I want to hear what you want to see in Skin Finder 4. Let me know in the comments!