Dinnerbone Hints 1.9 Feature with 'Meaningless' Picture

Earlier today Dinnerbone teased the eager masses with a 'meaningless' screenshot on Twitter.


Upon clicking the image, some of you may see nothing, or maybe get an error, but according to Reddit user /u/FiredPlayer, the image is actually a cleverly hidden hint at a 1.9 feature.
"The picture posted is 2×204960. Dinnerbone split an 854×480 pixel image (usual dimension for screenshots) into 2 pixel wide strips, and put these strips vertically, creating a 2×204960 image. Some code converts it back into the original image..."

And what's the image, you wonder?

xEj71Bl[1]The image, when converted back to it's normal state, appears to be of new arrow types, and a quiver to hold them.  The quiver appears to have its own slot, and there also appears to be another slot below the 2x2 crafting area, which appears to be a shield.

It appears Minecraft 1.9 is probably back on development pace again, and if Mojang plans on it, we might see a snapshot soon!

Edit: I also want to mention that the Quiver in the screenshot uses a texture that has been in the game since Indev.