This year has been rather slow as far as Minecraft PC Edition is concerned. Besides the April Fools snapshot that revealed 1.9 would be called "The Combat Update," little to nothing is known about 1.9. And it's on track to become the longest-lasting Minecraft PC update in history. But how long is that? I decided to fire up Excel and make some visual aids:
This graph indicates how long a particular Minecraft PC update was out before another major version replaced it (bug fix releases are included). So for example, the 1.2 bar is the number of days between the release of PC 1.2 and 1.3. As you can see, 1.0 to 1.6 were relatively short releases, with 1.2 being somewhat of an outliers. Minecraft 1.7 began the trend of incredibly long releases, almost taking an entire year to be replaced by Minecraft 1.8.
For this graph, the 1.8 bar indicates the length (in days) from the first 1.8 release to the time this article was written. Here's the raw data in case you don't like pictures:
We shall have to see how long Minecraft 1.8 lasts, it may even beat out 1.7 as the longest-lasting Minecraft PC update in history.
This graph indicates how long a particular Minecraft PC update was out before another major version replaced it (bug fix releases are included). So for example, the 1.2 bar is the number of days between the release of PC 1.2 and 1.3. As you can see, 1.0 to 1.6 were relatively short releases, with 1.2 being somewhat of an outliers. Minecraft 1.7 began the trend of incredibly long releases, almost taking an entire year to be replaced by Minecraft 1.8.
For this graph, the 1.8 bar indicates the length (in days) from the first 1.8 release to the time this article was written. Here's the raw data in case you don't like pictures:
We shall have to see how long Minecraft 1.8 lasts, it may even beat out 1.7 as the longest-lasting Minecraft PC update in history.