Yesterday at E3, Lydia Winters, Mojang's Brand Director, unveiled something huge at E3. Lydia and a partner demonstrated the potential Minecraft has on hololens. Throughout the presentation, they use a camera that has the eyes of hololens, so that the audience can see the Minecraft world like HoloLens does. Take a look at the video below, it's pretty incredible!
According to _Grum on reddit, the version they're using is a fork of Pocket Edition, but seeing the world manipulation and just the sheer rendering of the minecraft world with HoloLens is pretty incredible. During the video, they mention that the HoloLens can use voice commands and use some hand gestures to control the holograms. They're expected to release more about Minecraft for HoloLens during Minecon next month.
According to _Grum on reddit, the version they're using is a fork of Pocket Edition, but seeing the world manipulation and just the sheer rendering of the minecraft world with HoloLens is pretty incredible. During the video, they mention that the HoloLens can use voice commands and use some hand gestures to control the holograms. They're expected to release more about Minecraft for HoloLens during Minecon next month.