Redstone Builders: Minecraft Pocket Edition coming closer to PC

This article was written by reader Shawn as part of our Redstone Builders program, which allows anyone to submit articles to us to post. If you are interested, visit the About page for more information. Enjoy!

Recently Minecraft PE’s new update 0.11.0 has got everyone hyped. Right after it was released, servers like LBSG were updating to their full-PC like potential. This update should be known as the Multiplayer Update. This changed MCPE servers in a whole new way.

Adding speed and jump boost to Spleef really made me think of PC, but that's not all. Servers like LBSG and instant pvp are coming out with Universal lobbies, which helped them when Shoghi Cerventes released his fast transfer plugin (where you may go from one server to another using a portal). Not to mention there may be a awesome brand-new server in development.

I think this might be the first big step towards PC Multiplayer for mcpe. Tell me what you guys think in the comments well thats all for today, have a great day and be prepared for another article.