Redstone Builders: Mineplex is coming to Minecraft PE, and it could change multiplayer forever

This article was written by reader MUTD_SM11 as part of our Redstone Builders program, which allows anyone to submit articles to us to post. If you are interested, visit the About page for more information. Enjoy!

As we all know, lately Mineplex and Life Boat Survival Server have been competing for players on Minecraft PC and Minecraft PE, respectively. I could foresee Mineplex was going to do something like this, and it happened. Mineplex is coming to Minecraft Pocket Edition.

Now this is exciting as well as suspenseful. As a server owner myself, unless Mineplex presents factions to the community, it affects me half-way. Servers like InPVP and LBSG could become less popular along the way, but I doubt the owners would do something like quit on their server or that nonsense.

Mineplex being one of the biggest servers across all editions has fast development, and seeing that the 0.12 speculated release date is July 29 could really affect their speed. LBSG, which is the biggest across all editions, has announced future PC servers. The cross-pollination of communities across platforms could bring together players of all kinds.

That's all for now, tell me what you think in the comment section below or on Twitter. As always thanks for reading and come again.