Minecraft 1.9 vastly improves particle rendering, less FPS drops game-wide

Have you ever started splashing potions, only to find the smoothness of your Minecraft game drop to a slideshow speed? This is a common problem, due to Minecraft's wonky rendering system for particle effects. Particle effects include all the effects in Minecraft from torch smoke to dripping water, and Minecraft 1.9 makes it work much better.


Reddit user Regablith posted the above screenshot, showing the difference in particle effects rendering on his computer. The top part shows Minecraft 1.8, and the second is the latest Minecraft 1.9 snapshot. The key difference is that particles are not treated as entities in 1.9, so they can be rendered with less computational power.

You can try out performance for yourself by downloading the latest snapshot from the Minecraft 1.9 launcher, and see the source link below for the original post.

Source: Reddit


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