Powered by Redstone is now on Google Play Newsstand!

Our website works great on mobile devices, but many of you have been hoping for something better. Today I'm happy to announce Powered by Redstone is now available on Google Play Newsstand!

If you've never heard of it, Google Play Newsstand takes your favorite news sites and blogs, and makes them look fantastic on your phone or tablet. You can read every article posted on Powered by Redstone through Newsstand, including all the photos and videos we post inside articles. You can even save them for offline reading!

You can get Google Play Newsstand on your iOS or Android device. Once you download the app and sign in with your Google account, just go to this link to add Powered by Redstone to your subscriptions. You're done!

Let us know if you've added Powered by Redstone to Newsstand in the comments below. Enjoy!