From October to December, Telltale Studios rapid-fire released the first four episodes of their 'Minecraft: Story Mode' game, with the latest episode being released on December 22nd of last year.
Later this month, Mojang and Telltale are releasing the fifth episode of Story Mode, with no title yet. The episode will involve Jessie and the gang discovering a 'Sky City', which should be interesting to say the least.
Also if you have the Season Pass for Minecraft: Story Mode, your luck is about to run out. Episode 5 will be the last episode available to current Season Pass owners, because it will be the last episode of Season One.
Mojang mentions that future episodes will be available "sometime in 2016". The new episodes will require a new Season Pass, or as always, you will be able to buy the episodes separately.
Source: Mojang
Later this month, Mojang and Telltale are releasing the fifth episode of Story Mode, with no title yet. The episode will involve Jessie and the gang discovering a 'Sky City', which should be interesting to say the least.
Also if you have the Season Pass for Minecraft: Story Mode, your luck is about to run out. Episode 5 will be the last episode available to current Season Pass owners, because it will be the last episode of Season One.
Mojang mentions that future episodes will be available "sometime in 2016". The new episodes will require a new Season Pass, or as always, you will be able to buy the episodes separately.
Source: Mojang